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By 再路上
再次感谢大家的帮助和支持。以下是一些关于AB1088法案的信息。我没有跟踪关注AB1726法案,所知无多,因此无法置评。 关于有我参与起草的AB1088法案,该法案是由三个主流亚裔民权组织推动:亚裔美国人民权及平等,亚太美国人法律中心,以及亚太美国人加州行动联网。该方案并获得其他七十个主流组织的支持,包括美国癌症协会。以下会附上名单。没有人出面反对。我强烈地相信,现在反对AB1088的人,他们的观念跟主流大相径庭。 AB1088包括用于数据收集的额外类别,比如关岛、萨摩亚、夏威夷土著等几个分类。我参与起草不代表我认为关岛、萨摩亚和夏威夷都算是国家,而是反应了我内心深处的信念:(一)人们应该有选择自己所认同的种族的自由;(二)更精确的数据就是更好的数据。如果一个人自我认同是关岛人,那么他或她就有自由去表达这一认同。同样地,如果一个人自我认同是台湾人,那么他或她也应该有自由在数据收集表上表达这一认同。 关于普查,我确实在录像中表示,可以在表上填写自己是台湾人。因为有台裔美国人的团体请求我这样做。如果是萨摩亚团体找我,我也一样会去做。如果是关岛团体找我,那也没有区别。我一直相信收集更多、更精确的数据。 我支持亚裔美国人这个叫法。同样我也支持华裔美国人、日裔美国人、萨摩亚美国人、台裔美国人、韩裔美国人等等的叫法。泛亚的称呼和限定性的称呼不是相互排斥的。你们这么努力地筹备美国华人大会的成立大会,就是因为你们对于华裔美国人这个分类的认同。华人大会的存在,不代表以某种方式从亚裔美国人社区当中分离出去。AB1088的存在,也不代表要离解亚裔美国人社区。事实正相反。通过更精确的社区数据收集、并给予人们表达自我认同的自由,该法案事实上强化了亚裔美国人社区。这就是为什么如此多的亚裔团体选择了支持。以下是具体名单。 SUPPORT : (Verified 8/30/11) 作者:刘云平, 2016年9月19日 以下是英文版全文: Date: September 19, 2016, 1:42 AM (name ommitted), Thanks again for all your help and support. Here is some information about AB 1088. I did not follow AB 1726 and don't know much about it, so I can't really comment on AB 1726. Regarding AB 1088 of which I was a coauthor, it was sponsored by three mainstream Asian American civil rights organizations: Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality; Asian Pacific American Legal Center; and Asian and Pacific Islanders California Action Network. The bill was also supported by approximately 70 other mainstream organizations, including the American Cancer Society. I have attached the full list below. There was no opposition. I strongly believe people who are now opposed to AB 1088 are way out of the mainstream in terms of their views. AB 1088 included additional categories for data collection, such as Guamanian, Samoan, Native Hawaiian and several other categories. The fact that I coauthored the bill does not mean I believe Guam, Samoa or Hawaii are nations. But it does reflect my deep beliefs that (1) people should have the freedom to choose what ethnicity they want to put down and (2) more accurate data is better data. If a person holds the view that he or she is Guamanian, that person should have the freedom to express it. Similarly, if a person holds the view that he or she is Taiwanese, that person should have the freedom to express it on a data collection form. Regarding the census, it is true that I was in a video letting people know they could write down Taiwanese on the form. I was approached by some Taiwanese American groups to do it. If I was approached by Samoan groups, I would have done the same thing for them. If I was approached by Guamanian groups, I would have done the same thing. I have always believed in more data collection and more accurate data collection. I support the term Asian American. I also support the terms Japanese American and Chinese American and Samoan American and Taiwanese American and Korean American etc. It is not mutually exclusive to support both Pan Asian terms, such as Asian American, and specific subcategories, such as Korean American. The whole reason you worked so hard on the first inaugural conference of United Chinese Americans is because you believe in the subcategory of Chinese Americans. The fact that UCA exists does not somehow mean UCA is trying to split the Asian American community. The fact that AB 1088 exists does not somehow mean the bill was trying to split the Asian American community. The opposite is true. The bill strengthens the Asian American community by providing more accurate data collection of the community and giving more people freedom to express who they want to be. That's why so many Asian American groups strongly supported it. Below is the support list for AB 1088. Hope all is well. Ted |
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