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By 再路上  
OP 08/12/2017

编者案: 此文为2016年在DC举行的华人大会以后,一位参会者与刘云平议员通过邮件交流亚裔细分问题所获得的答复。 由于最近亚裔细分的议题又被推到封口浪尖, 编者感觉有意义把这份邮件再次发布出来。 有人认为细分有台湾的选项是有台独的目的,事实上早在刘的这封信中就有很好的解释。

刘云平(Ted W. Lieu)在台北市出生,随父母移民到美國, 美国民主党籍联邦众议院议员、前加利福尼亚州州参议员. 1991年在斯坦福大学取得计算机科学理科学士以及政治科学文学士学位。1994年在乔治城大学法律中心取得法学博士。






SUPPORT  :   (Verified  8/30/11)
1. Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality (co-source)
2. Asian Pacific American Legal Center (co-source)
3. Asian and Pacific Islanders California Action Network (co-source)
4. Advancement Project
5. American Cancer Society
6. American Lung Association
7. Asian Alliance Law
8. Asian Americans for Community Involvement
9. Asian and Pacific Islander Health Forum
10. Asian Business Association
11. Asian Law Caucus
12. Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association
13. Asian Pacific Environment Network
14. Asian Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health
15. Asian Pacific Islander School Board Members Association
16. Asian Pacific Liver Center
17. California Immigrant Policy Center
18. California Pan-Ethnic Health Network
19. California State University, Long Beach, Pacific Islanders Association
20. California State University, Sacramento Polynesian Club
21. Californians Together
22. Coalition for Economic Survival
23. Communities for Clean Ports
24. Empowering Pacific Islander Communities
25. Filipino American Service Group Inc.
26. First 5 Los Angeles
27. Guam Communities Network
28. Housing and Economic Rights Advocates
29. Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
30. International Children Assistance Network
31. Japanese American Citizens League
32. Kaleponi Advocates for Hawaiian Affairs
33. Korea Town Immigrant Workers Alliance
34. Korean Resource Center
35. Kutturan Chamoru Foundation
36. Mainland Council: Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs
37. Maintenance Cooperation Trust Fund
38. Montebello Unified School District
39. National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse
40. National Association of Social Workers - California Chapter
41. One East Palo Alto Neighborhood Improvement Initiative
43. Pacific Asian Counseling Services
44. Pacific Clinics
45. Pacific Health
46. Pacific Islander Health Partnership
47. Pacific Links Foundation
48. PELE, the Sorority of Oce
49. Samoan Community Development Center
50. Samoan Solutions
51. Search to Involve Pilipino Americans
52. SF Samoa and Samoa Parents in Action
53. Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund
54. Strategic Actions for a Just Economy
55. Tafesilafa'i Inc.
56. Taiwanese American Citizens League
57. Tau Omega Alpha - First Asian American Fraternity
58. Thai Community Development Center
59. The Asian American Education Institute
60. The Samoan Community Development Center
61. The Second Samoan Congregation Church
62. The Sorority of Oceania
63. The Wage Justice Center
64. To'utupu'o e 'Otu Felenite Association Inc
65. TOA Institute
66. Tongan American Youth Foundation
67. Tongan Community Service Center
68. University of California, Asian American and Pacific
69. Islander Policy Multicampus Research Program
70. Urban Islanders
71. Vietnamese Research for Health Coalition
72. VuetDreams
73. Youth of Samoa California (Tupulaga A Samoa Kalifonia)

作者:刘云平, 2016年9月19日


Date: September 19, 2016, 1:42 AM

(name ommitted),

Thanks again for all your help and support.  Here is some information about AB 1088.  I did not follow AB 1726 and don't know much about it, so I can't really comment on AB 1726.

Regarding AB 1088 of which I was a coauthor, it was sponsored by three mainstream Asian American civil rights organizations: Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality; Asian Pacific American Legal Center; and Asian and Pacific Islanders California Action Network.  The bill was also supported by approximately 70 other mainstream organizations, including the American Cancer Society.  I have attached the full list below.  There was no opposition.  I strongly believe people who are now opposed to AB 1088 are way out of the mainstream in terms of their views.

AB 1088 included additional categories for data collection, such as Guamanian, Samoan, Native Hawaiian and several other categories.  The fact that I coauthored the bill does not mean I believe Guam, Samoa or Hawaii are nations.  But it does reflect my deep beliefs that (1) people should have the freedom to choose what ethnicity they want to put down and (2) more accurate data is better data.  If a person holds the view that he or she is Guamanian, that person should have the freedom to express it.  Similarly, if a person holds the view that he or she is Taiwanese, that person should have the freedom to express it on a data collection form.  

Regarding the census, it is true that I was in a video letting people know they could write down Taiwanese on the form.  I was approached by some Taiwanese American groups to do it.  If I was approached by Samoan groups, I would have done the same thing for them.  If I was approached by Guamanian groups, I would have done the same thing.  I have always believed in more data collection and more accurate data collection.

I support the term Asian American.  I also support the terms Japanese American and Chinese American and Samoan American and Taiwanese American and Korean American etc.  It is not mutually exclusive to support both Pan Asian terms, such as Asian American, and specific subcategories, such as Korean American.  The whole reason you worked so hard on the first inaugural conference of United Chinese Americans is because you believe in the subcategory of Chinese Americans.  The fact that UCA exists does not somehow mean UCA is trying to split the Asian American community.  The fact that AB 1088 exists does not somehow mean the bill was trying to split the Asian American community.  The opposite is true.  The bill strengthens the Asian American community by providing more accurate data collection of the community and giving more people freedom to express who they want to be.  That's why so many Asian American groups strongly supported it.

Below is the support list for AB 1088.  

Hope all is well.


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