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By 千里走单骑
6月1号,川普总统在白宫发表演说,为了美国经济和美国人民的利益,美国将正式退出巴黎气候协议。一石激起千层浪,各界纷纷表态,有赞赏,有抨击,当然还有谩骂,好像川普的一个决定会毁了我们唯一的地球。诚然,环保是个重要议题,也是大家都关心的话题。但是有多少人真正听了川普在说什么?飞洋在线把演讲原文呈现给读者,并摘要翻译/注解。 如果你只看主流媒体的话,肯定认为川普的举动是十恶不赦的,大概也不会去听他的演说,所以首先需要明确几点:
Before we discuss the Paris Accord, I’d like to begin with an update on our tremendous -- absolutely tremendous -- economic progress since Election Day on November 8th. The economy is starting to come back, and very, very rapidly. We’ve added $3.3 trillion in stock market value to our economy, and more than a million private sector jobs. I have just returned from a trip overseas where we concluded nearly $350 billion of military and economic development for the United States, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. It was a very, very successful trip, believe me. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. In my meetings at the G7, we have taken historic steps to demand fair and reciprocal trade that gives Americans a level playing field against other nations. We’re also working very hard for peace in the Middle East, and perhaps even peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Our attacks on terrorism are greatly stepped up -- and you see that, you see it all over -- from the previous administration, including getting many other countries to make major contributions to the fight against terror. Big, big contributions are being made by countries that weren’t doing so much in the form of contribution. 在七国首脑会议上,我们采取了历史性的措施,要求其他国家和美国的贸易必须基于公平和互惠的原则。 我们也在为中东的和平而努力,甚至包括以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的和平。 跟前一届政府相比,我们对恐怖主义的打击大大加强 - 这些你们都看在眼里 - 包括让许多其他国家为打击恐怖主义作出贡献。 很多以前不太出力的国家现在正为反恐做出巨大贡献。 One by one, we are keeping the promises I made to the American people during my campaign for President –- whether it’s cutting job-killing regulations; appointing and confirming a tremendous Supreme Court justice; putting in place tough new ethics rules; achieving a record reduction in illegal immigration on our southern border; or bringing jobs, plants, and factories back into the United States at numbers which no one until this point thought even possible. And believe me, we’ve just begun. The fruits of our labor will be seen very shortly even more so. 一件接一件,我们正在履行竞选期间对美国人民所作的承诺:砍掉繁文缛节,增加工作机会; 任命和确认最高法院大法官; 实行全新的,更加严格的道德规范【飞洋在线:指限制政府官员作说客,从中捞钱】; 创纪录地减少非法移民入境; 将大量工作机会和制造业带回美国,以前没人相信能够做到。 相信我,我们只是刚刚开始。 我们的劳动成果很快就会展现出来。 On these issues and so many more, we’re following through on our commitments. And I don’t want anything to get in our way. I am fighting every day for the great people of this country. Therefore, in order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord -- (applause) -- thank you, thank you -- but begin negotiations to reenter either the Paris Accord or a really entirely new transaction on terms that are fair to the United States, its businesses, its workers, its people, its taxpayers. So we’re getting out. But we will start to negotiate, and we will see if we can make a deal that’s fair. And if we can, that’s great. And if we can’t, that’s fine. (Applause.) 还有很多很多,我们正在履行我们的承诺。 我不会允许任何东西阻挡我们前进的步伐。每一天,我都在为这个国家的伟大人民而战。 因此,为了履行我保护美国及其公民的神圣职责,美国将退出“巴黎气候协议” - (掌声) - 谢谢,谢谢,而且重新开始谈判,要么重返“巴黎协议”,要么签署一份全新的协议,但是这个协议必须对美国,美国的企业和工人,美国人民以及纳税人是公平的。 是的,我们要退出巴黎协议, 但是我们将重启谈判,看看能否达成一个公平的协议。 如果可以的话,那最好。 如果不行,也没关系。 (掌声。) As President, I can put no other consideration before the wellbeing of American citizens. The Paris Climate Accord is simply the latest example of Washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages the United States to the exclusive benefit of other countries, leaving American workers -- who I love -- and taxpayers to absorb the cost in terms of lost jobs, lower wages, shuttered factories, and vastly diminished economic production. 作为总统,我的首要任务是保护美国公民的利益。 “巴黎气候协议”是最新的例子,证明华盛顿再一次出卖美国,让美国工人和纳税人替他们买单 - 工作丢失,收入减少,工厂被废弃,生产力大幅下降。 【飞洋在线:每个家庭过好了,这个国家自然欣欣向荣。每个国家都治理好了,这个世界自然和平昌盛。放着本国一堆问题,却打肿脸充胖子,要在世界舞台上争取什么领导地位,这是本末倒置。拜奥巴马所赐,美国欠下20万亿国债,川普很直白,美国已经没有能力继续撒钱,仅此而已。】 Thus, as of today, the United States will cease all implementation of the non-binding Paris Accord and the draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes on our country. This includes ending the implementation of the nationally determined contribution and, very importantly, the Green Climate Fund which is costing the United States a vast fortune. 因此,从今天开始,美国将停止执行本来就没有约束力的“巴黎协议”,也不再承担这个协议给美国带来的沉重的财政和经济负担。 这包括停止继续付款,特别是不再给绿色气候基金注资,仅这一项就耗资巨大。 Compliance with the terms of the Paris Accord and the onerous energy restrictions it has placed on the United States could cost America as much as 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025 according to the National Economic Research Associates. This includes 440,000 fewer manufacturing jobs -- not what we need -- believe me, this is not what we need -- including automobile jobs, and the further decimation of vital American industries on which countless communities rely. They rely for so much, and we would be giving them so little. 如果继续遵守“巴黎协议”以及它在能源方面对美国强加的苛刻限制,根据国家经济研究协会的统计,到2025年美国会丢失270万个工作。 其中包括44万个制造业岗位 - 这不是我们所需要的 - 相信我,这不是我们所需要的。美国人民赖以生存的重要行业将持续衰退。他们需要的很多,我们能给予的只有一点点。 According to this same study, by 2040, compliance with the commitments put into place by the previous administration would cut production for the following sectors: paper down 12 percent; cement down 23 percent; iron and steel down 38 percent; coal -- and I happen to love the coal miners -- down 86 percent; natural gas down 31 percent. The cost to the economy at this time would be close to $3 trillion in lost GDP and 6.5 million industrial jobs, while households would have $7,000 less income and, in many cases, much worse than that. 这个调查报告还显示,到2040年,遵守上届政府的承诺将将造成以下行业大幅减产:造纸下降12%,水泥下降23%,钢铁下降38%,煤炭 - 我恰巧热爱矿工 - 下降86%,天然气下降31%。 到这时,国民生产总值将下调3万亿美元,同时要丢失650万个工业岗位,而家庭收入将减少7,000美元,甚至更多。 Not only does this deal subject our citizens to harsh economic restrictions, it fails to live up to our environmental ideals. As someone who cares deeply about the environment, which I do, I cannot in good conscience support a deal that punishes the United States -- which is what it does -– the world’s leader in environmental protection, while imposing no meaningful obligations on the world’s leading polluters. 这个协议不但严重制约我们的经济,还根本没有体现我们的环保理念。 我非常关心环境,但是我的良心让我无法支持一个惩罚美国的协议 - 而美国在环保方面一直处于世界领先地位。对于真正的污染大国,这个协议没有任何具有实质意义的限制。 For example, under the agreement, China will be able to increase these emissions by a staggering number of years -- 13. They can do whatever they want for 13 years. Not us. India makes its participation contingent on receiving billions and billions and billions of dollars in foreign aid from developed countries. There are many other examples. But the bottom line is that the Paris Accord is very unfair, at the highest level, to the United States. 比如,中国可以在今后13年继续增加排放量。也就是说13年内可以为所欲为。但是我们不可以。印度参加的前提是必须收到多少亿美元的外援。还有很多其他例子,但是总结起来就是,巴黎协议对美国非常不公平。 Further, while the current agreement effectively blocks the development of clean coal in America -- which it does, and the mines are starting to open up. We’re having a big opening in two weeks. Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, so many places. A big opening of a brand-new mine. It’s unheard of. For many, many years, that hasn’t happened. They asked me if I’d go. I’m going to try. China will be allowed to build hundreds of additional coal plants. So we can’t build the plants, but they can, according to this agreement. India will be allowed to double its coal production by 2020. Think of it: India can double their coal production. We’re supposed to get rid of ours. Even Europe is allowed to continue construction of coal plants. 这个协议允许中国建造几百个火力发电厂。我们不能,他们可以。印度到2020年可以把煤炭产量增加一倍。想一想吧,印度可以加倍产煤,但是美国必须放弃煤炭。甚至欧洲都可以继续建造火力发电厂。 In short, the agreement doesn’t eliminate coal jobs, it just transfers those jobs out of America and the United States, and ships them to foreign countries. 简单说来就是,这个巴黎协议并没有减少矿工的数量,只是把美国的煤炭工作转移到了其他国家。 This agreement is less about the climate and more about other countries gaining a financial advantage over the United States. The rest of the world applauded when we signed the Paris Agreement -- they went wild; they were so happy -- for the simple reason that it put our country, the United States of America, which we all love, at a very, very big economic disadvantage. A cynic would say the obvious reason for economic competitors and their wish to see us remain in the agreement is so that we continue to suffer this self-inflicted major economic wound. We would find it very hard to compete with other countries from other parts of the world. 与其说这个协议是保护气候,还不如说是让世界各国占美国的便宜。当我们签署“巴黎协议”时,全世界都在赞赏 - 欣喜若狂,非常开心 - 因为很简单,它使我们的国家,我们热爱的美利坚合众国,处于严重的经济劣势。 讽刺点说,我们的经济竞争对手当然希望我们留在巴黎协议里,这样我们好继续承受这种自我造成的重大经济伤害。 我们将很难与其他国家竞争。 We have among the most abundant energy reserves on the planet, sufficient to lift millions of America’s poorest workers out of poverty. Yet, under this agreement, we are effectively putting these reserves under lock and key, taking away the great wealth of our nation -- it's great wealth, it's phenomenal wealth; not so long ago, we had no idea we had such wealth -- and leaving millions and millions of families trapped in poverty and joblessness. The agreement is a massive redistribution of United States wealth to other countries. At 1 percent growth, renewable sources of energy can meet some of our domestic demand, but at 3 or 4 percent growth, which I expect, we need all forms of available American energy, or our country -- (applause) -- will be at grave risk of brownouts and blackouts, our businesses will come to a halt in many cases, and the American family will suffer the consequences in the form of lost jobs and a very diminished quality of life. 巴黎协议就是劫富济贫,把美国的财富分给其他国家。 Even if the Paris Agreement were implemented in full, with total compliance from all nations, it is estimated it would only produce a two-tenths of one degree -- think of that; this much -- Celsius reduction in global temperature by the year 2100. Tiny, tiny amount. In fact, 14 days of carbon emissions from China alone would wipe out the gains from America -- and this is an incredible statistic -- would totally wipe out the gains from America's expected reductions in the year 2030, after we have had to spend billions and billions of dollars, lost jobs, closed factories, and suffered much higher energy costs for our businesses and for our homes. 即使巴黎协议全面执行,而且每一个国家都百分之百履行自己的职责,到2100年全球气温也只是下降0.2度。事实上,中国14天的排碳量,就相当于美国从现在到2030年减排的总量。 As the Wall Street Journal wrote this morning: “The reality is that withdrawing is in America’s economic interest and won’t matter much to the climate.” The United States, under the Trump administration, will continue to be the cleanest and most environmentally friendly country on Earth. We'll be the cleanest. We're going to have the cleanest air. We're going to have the cleanest water. We will be environmentally friendly, but we're not going to put our businesses out of work and we're not going to lose our jobs. We're going to grow; we're going to grow rapidly. (Applause.) 正如华尔街日报今天早上写道:"现实情况是,撤出巴黎协议符合美国的经济利益,而对气候的影响无关紧要。" 川普领导下的美国,依然是地球上最洁净,最环保的国家。 我们会是最干净的。 我们要有最干净的空气。 我们要有最干净的水。 我们将致力于环保,但我们不会迫使企业关张,我们不愿意丢掉工作。 我们要增长,我们要快速增长。 (掌声) And I think you just read -- it just came out minutes ago, the small business report -- small businesses as of just now are booming, hiring people. One of the best reports they've seen in many years. I’m willing to immediately work with Democratic leaders to either negotiate our way back into Paris, under the terms that are fair to the United States and its workers, or to negotiate a new deal that protects our country and its taxpayers. (Applause.) So if the obstructionists want to get together with me, let’s make them non-obstructionists. We will all sit down, and we will get back into the deal. And we’ll make it good, and we won’t be closing up our factories, and we won’t be losing our jobs. And we’ll sit down with the Democrats and all of the people that represent either the Paris Accord or something that we can do that's much better than the Paris Accord. And I think the people of our country will be thrilled, and I think then the people of the world will be thrilled. But until we do that, we're out of the agreement. I will work to ensure that America remains the world’s leader on environmental issues, but under a framework that is fair and where the burdens and responsibilities are equally shared among the many nations all around the world. No responsible leader can put the workers -- and the people -- of their country at this debilitating and tremendous disadvantage. The fact that the Paris deal hamstrings the United States, while empowering some of the world’s top polluting countries, should dispel any doubt as to the real reason why foreign lobbyists wish to keep our magnificent country tied up and bound down by this agreement: It’s to give their country an economic edge over the United States. That's not going to happen while I’m President. I’m sorry. (Applause.) My job as President is to do everything within my power to give America a level playing field and to create the economic, regulatory and tax structures that make America the most prosperous and productive country on Earth, and with the highest standard of living and the highest standard of environmental protection. Our tax bill is moving along in Congress, and I believe it’s doing very well. I think a lot of people will be very pleasantly surprised. The Republicans are working very, very hard. We’d love to have support from the Democrats, but we may have to go it alone. But it’s going very well. The Paris Agreement handicaps the United States economy in order to win praise from the very foreign capitals and global activists that have long sought to gain wealth at our country’s expense. They don’t put America first. I do, and I always will. (Applause.) The same nations asking us to stay in the agreement are the countries that have collectively cost America trillions of dollars through tough trade practices and, in many cases, lax contributions to our critical military alliance. You see what’s happening. It’s pretty obvious to those that want to keep an open mind. At what point does America get demeaned? At what point do they start laughing at us as a country? We want fair treatment for its citizens, and we want fair treatment for our taxpayers. We don’t want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore. And they won’t be. They won’t be. I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris. (Applause.) I promised I would exit or renegotiate any deal which fails to serve America’s interests. Many trade deals will soon be under renegotiation. Very rarely do we have a deal that works for this country, but they’ll soon be under renegotiation. The process has begun from day one. But now we’re down to business. Beyond the severe energy restrictions inflicted by the Paris Accord, it includes yet another scheme to redistribute wealth out of the United States through the so-called Green Climate Fund -- nice name -- which calls for developed countries to send $100 billion to developing countries all on top of America’s existing and massive foreign aid payments. So we’re going to be paying billions and billions and billions of dollars, and we’re already way ahead of anybody else. Many of the other countries haven’t spent anything, and many of them will never pay one dime. 巴黎协议除了能源方面极其苛刻的限制之外,还包括另一个窃取美国财富的计划:绿色气候基金 - 多好的名字!这个基金要求发达国家向发展中国家提供1000亿美元,这还是在美国现有的巨额外援之上。 所以我们要付出几十几百亿美元,我们已经远远超越其他国家。 而许多国家还没花一分钱,有些国家永远也不会支付一分钱。 The Green Fund would likely obligate the United States to commit potentially tens of billions of dollars of which the United States has already handed over $1 billion -- nobody else is even close; most of them haven’t even paid anything -- including funds raided out of America’s budget for the war against terrorism. That’s where they came. Believe me, they didn’t come from me. They came just before I came into office. Not good. And not good the way they took the money. 绿色基金很有可能要求美国承诺数百亿美元,美国已经给了他们10亿美元,远远大于别的国家; 绝大多数国家还一分钱没出。美国的这笔钱本来可以用来反恐。 这是反恐的资金。相信我,我没给绿色基金这笔钱。 他们刚好在我上任之前拿到了这笔钱。这很不好。 他们用这种方式拿钱很不好。 In 2015, the United Nation's departing top climate officials reportedly described the $100 billion per year as “peanuts,” and stated that "the $100 billion is the tail that wags the dog." In 2015, the Green Climate Fund’s executive director reportedly stated that estimated funding needed would increase to $450 billion per year after 2020. And nobody even knows where the money is going to. Nobody has been able to say, where is it going to? Of course, the world’s top polluters have no affirmative obligations under the Green Fund, which we terminated. America is $20 trillion in debt. Cash-strapped cities cannot hire enough police officers or fix vital infrastructure. Millions of our citizens are out of work. And yet, under the Paris Accord, billions of dollars that ought to be invested right here in America will be sent to the very countries that have taken our factories and our jobs away from us. So think of that. There are serious legal and constitutional issues as well. Foreign leaders in Europe, Asia, and across the world should not have more to say with respect to the U.S. economy than our own citizens and their elected representatives. Thus, our withdrawal from the agreement represents a reassertion of America’s sovereignty. (Applause.) Our Constitution is unique among all the nations of the world, and it is my highest obligation and greatest honor to protect it. And I will. Staying in the agreement could also pose serious obstacles for the United States as we begin the process of unlocking the restrictions on America’s abundant energy reserves, which we have started very strongly. It would once have been unthinkable that an international agreement could prevent the United States from conducting its own domestic economic affairs, but this is the new reality we face if we do not leave the agreement or if we do not negotiate a far better deal. The risks grow as historically these agreements only tend to become more and more ambitious over time. In other words, the Paris framework is a starting point -- as bad as it is -- not an end point. And exiting the agreement protects the United States from future intrusions on the United States' sovereignty and massive future legal liability. Believe me, we have massive legal liability if we stay in. As President, I have one obligation, and that obligation is to the American people. The Paris Accord would undermine our economy, hamstring our workers, weaken our sovereignty, impose unacceptable legal risks, and put us at a permanent disadvantage to the other countries of the world. It is time to exit the Paris Accord -- (applause) -- and time to pursue a new deal that protects the environment, our companies, our citizens, and our country. It is time to put Youngstown, Ohio, Detroit, Michigan, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania -- along with many, many other locations within our great country -- before Paris, France. It is time to make America great again. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. END